From the UK to Brazil: Part Three

James is back in England and ready to start his adventures as a University student. We have been so thankful and grateful to the time he has given My Fathers House, in Olinda. Without volunteers and supporters like James, there is no way that such work could continue. So, thank you for giving the work your time James, and for allowing offering your skills, time and your prayers to the work!

If you want to volunteer like James, you can inquire by emailing We would love to hear from you, where-ever you are in the World. 

In the meantime, read on to find out about his new journey and how successful he was with speaking Portuguese to those he worked with!

Brazil - final post!

After two months I have safely arrived back in England! In my last month I continued to do more construction work on aguazinha as well as spend more time with the boys, but my final week was definitely the busiest.

My last week in Brazil included a trip out with the boys and Ian for their holidays. We went to the farm and the beach. It was great to see the boys enjoy the wonderful place they live in without having to worry about anything else. 

That Sunday night at Agua Viva I gave my testimony (translated from English into Portuguese by Ian) which hopefully gave the church an idea of how God has been working in my life and my time in Brazil, and how he can work more in theirs too. 

My last couple days in Brazil I spent in the boys house, playing and talking with them. It was fantastic that after two months I could actually have conversations with them (more or less), and with the older ones the conversations we were having definitely had God working in them.

All in all I've had a fantastic two months in Brazil, I have seen God working powerfully in the church community but there is still a lot more work that needs to be done over there. I think I will return one day but maybe after my 4 years of uni!


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