
Showing posts from July, 2018

From the UK to Brazil: Part Two

One month in, James gave us an update based on his experiences of volunteering My Fathers House in Olinda. He has been kept busy, but has had an inspiring time and has not only given lots of his skills and time to the community, but has also gained much from the experience. Read on to find out what he has to say. My Time in Brazil - One Month In What a month! I have been busy almost every day, splitting my time between the My Father's House in the day and the church most nights. The first three weeks I spent with my weekdays at Cida's and the boy's house, and then my weekends with Rafael and at the church. The fourth week I spent with Rafael and stayed with him and his amazing family. At the house I am busy playing with and (to some extent) entertaining the boys, as well as looking after them and helping the team that runs the house. Handy phrases I have learnt there include 'calm down' 'stop' and 'I don't understand'! One month in an