
Showing posts from May, 2018

Welcome to our Blog

Service of Hope has a revamp! As part of our growth and development, we have revamped how we communicate to our supporters. We have increased our online presence, with a new website , (where you can also find our newsletter sign up form ), a new Facebook  so that you can like us and be part of a community helping to support our needs, a new youtube   so that you can see what our projects in Brazil are up to, and now a new blog, which we hope will make it easier to follow our newsletters. Just in case you still can't find us online, here's a brief explanation of who we are and what we do: Service of Hope is a UK charity with the Christian objectives of supporting projects in the North East of Brazil working with vulnerable groups. The key project we are currently supporting in the Olinda area of Brazil, is called My Fathers House (Casa de Meu Pai). This project is based out of an Anglican church in the area of Aguazinha, where they work with some of the most vulnerable